Outdoor Gear Apparel
Some of my favorite cloths, shoes, jackets, brands, hiking gear and apparel, skiing gear and apparel, anything outdoor related apparel and clothing.
What to Do When You Find Yourself Rain Hiking
Rain hiking is never what any hiker intends to do when they plan a hike. All of our ideal summits include sunshine peeking through the trees, with a clear beautiful summit. However, weather is very unpredictable in the mountains, so…
Hiking Training for Any Level & Mountains & Tips/Tricks for Hiking
Hiking is such a fun, nice way to get outdoors and appreciate the beauty that this planet has to offer. Being an avid hiker and having completed many different hiking challenges, the reason why I keep coming back is because…
Everything You Need to Know About Winter Hiking (How to Stay Warm & Cool)
Winter Hiking. You probably think of the blistering cold, high winds, and snow and ice everywhere. However, this isn’t quite the case. With the right gear, and on the right days, you’ll find that winter hiking is quite enjoyable, and…
Everything You Need to Know About Salomon Gear
Okay, if you are an outdoor lover like myself, then I’m SURE you’ve heard and have boughten A TON of Salomon gear. However, if you are new to the outdoors, then you are in the right place! Salomon products are…
The Best Hiking Boots Of All Time
Hiking is such a fun and difficult sport at times, but the views are usually worth it in the end. Sometimes it can be hard finding what gear you need or is best for you. Most of the time we…
The Best Ski Brands That You Actually Need to Know About
Skiing and snowboarding are pretty expensive sports, especially when you add in all the extra gear you need, along with your lift tickets. For example, you need gloves, helmets, poles, boots, snow pants, a jacket, etc. Thus, things add up…
The Ultimate Skiing Essentials List : Everything You Need
Are you new to skiing, snowboarding, or winter sports in general? Well, good for you, MOST winter sports dress the same way, in LAYERS. Basically, when participating in a winter sport, it’s just like the summer. Only, instead of trying…
- Best Mountains in the World, Best Mountains to Ski, Mountains, Outdoor Gear Apparel, Travel/Adventures
How to Have the Best Ski Vacation Every Year
Have you always wanted to try skiing or snowboarding, or maybe just want somewhere new to travel to? Well, don’t worry because you are in the right place, this post will tell you everything you need to know before you…
A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Easy Hiking in NY
Beginner Hikes in the Adirondacks, New York If you are new to hiking, or want to ease back into it, here are some great beginner/easier hikes within the Adirondack Mountains of New York State. There are many peaks spread all…
- Best Mountains in the World, Best Mountains to Hike, Best Mountains to Ski, Mountains, Outdoor Gear Apparel, Travel/Adventures
How to Spend a New England Weekend
If you are a skier or hiker like myself, or just want to enjoy a weekend away from the busy cities, here is a great way to spend a weekend up north. This trip will take you through 2 different…