My Story
Hi, my name is Brooke! And I found my love for travel and exploring when I first studied abroad in Australia and Ireland. All of my travels have taught me how much I love seeing the world and meeting new people.
I grew up in the Adirondack mountains of upstate New York, skiing, hiking, boating, rock jumping, camping and various other outdoor activities. Mountains hold an immense place in my heart, because without them, I would not know my dad. Skiing and hiking are how I spend time with my dad. In the winter, whether it’s our home mountain, Gore, or out exploring the Rockies in Colorado, you can always find us somewhere, where the snow is. My dad taught me how to enjoy the winter and appreciate the earth’s natural giants, mountains.
When I was in college, I really struggled to find a major. During my sophomore year of college, a year before I studied abroad in Australia and Ireland, I was extremely lost. And because I was so lost, I became very sad. I had no clue of where I wanted my life to go and what I wanted to do.
Also, I wasn’t very confident in myself because I didn’t know who I was, and what I wanted from life. And I thought college was the answer to finding my solutions. And when I wasn’t finding the answers I hoped for, I started becoming extremely sad and hopeless. I was terrified of graduating, not even knowing if I wanted pizza or pasta for dinner most nights. How was I suppose to find a major, that would dictate my future? I wanted and still want, to do it all.
My problem has never been that I couldn’t find a major that was interesting, my problem was and still is, I find EVERYTHING interesting. This is why I started my blog, because it gives me the freedom to still explore, while also making an income. But anyways, I didn’t even know the term blogging until after I graduated.
So, my junior year of college rolled around, and my whole fall semester I was preparing and filling out TONS of paperwork to go abroad to Australia, and surprisingly Ireland too. If you want to know specifically how I found these programs, I have an article about it, here. Anyways, in the mists of all this craziness, I discovered, another major part of myself, that I never knew. I LOVE to be BUSY. Discovering this part about myself really helped. In addition, I stumbled upon the law of attraction.
Learning about the law of attraction is what really turned my life around, exponentially. It started from feeling so low my sophomore year, that I started to look up the power of positive thinking on YouTube. I had been hearing all the importance of positive thinking, so I decided to give it a go. It wasn’t until my junior year, fall semester, that I came across “The Secret,” law of attraction, and how to manifest your dreams. Specifically, I watched Leeor Alexandra on YouTube, and she explained the law attraction beautifully and how to implement it.
I was suddenly much happier, because now, I knew I wasn’t limited, and I never had been. This was the answer that I had been searching for my whole life, and it suddenly all made sense to me. Why, I went through horrible breakups, huge disappoints, and countless embarrassing rejections, I was attracting all of this. And if I wasn’t attracting it, all these circumstances were MAJOR life lessons that I had to go through, to become the person I was at that moment. And, ultimately, I could un-attract these situations, and create an amazing new story.
So, I started implementing new ideas and stories in my head, and practicing the law of attraction. And then, bam, I was in Australia! And then, three weeks later I was in Ireland, and then three weeks after that, I was back at school, with a new job! And all of these incredible moments and things in my life made me reflect on what I really loved about life, and how I could continue doing these things the rest of my life. This is where I found the major of International Studies and Communications. I could travel while also meeting new people, it was the best of both worlds.
After I graduated college, I stumbled into another lost period of my life. I worked at many different adventure jobs, such as some summer camps and different ski resorts, all confining me to a specific schedule, which I hated. It wasn’t until two years later that I found the world of blogging and how I could make it successful and profitable. Ironically enough, it was during the Covid-19 Pandemic that I discovered the freedoms of blogging. So, I jumped right in, and here I am today. I try to write about unique travel ideas, as well as different hiking, skiing, and any adventurous activities you can think of, for people to get excited about.
I still feel lost at times, but whenever I step into nature, I know exactly where I belong. Thus, I hope my articles can help you too, with finding your new favorite places, hobbies, cities, and most importantly, yourself. Thank you for reading and if you ever want to contact me or chat, here is my email, allthemountainsarecalling@gmail.com (you can also message me on any of my social medias). Thank you for taking the time or even if you stumbled upon my blog by accident, thank you for reading. I hope my content inspires you all to be able and to know, you can do what you love everyday. And remember to flee the fear and live your adventure!
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