Introduction to Spirituality
How It Really Works
Law of attraction, manifestation, spirituality, how does it all really work? Well, it has taken me many years to fully understand (and at times I am still confused), but now, I have a MUCH better grasp on the concept of spirituality, law of attraction, and manifestation. So, here are the basics of what I’ve learned, who I’ve learned from, my tips/tricks, and much more! So, let’s get started!
First things first, I must give credit to everyone that I’ve learned from while I’ve read about Law of Attraction. The first ever video/documentary I watched about Law of Attraction, was, “The Secret.” This documentary is on YouTube and Netflix (I believe it’s still on Netflix). This is also a book, if you would rather read it. The documentary is about an hour to an hour and a half long, and SUPER informative! I think this is a great introduction and explanation to Law of Attraction.
In addition, I highly recommend watching Leeor Alexandra’s YouTube videos, if you don’t already know about her. I watched her when she had about 3,000 subscribers, and now she has almost 400,000 subscribers on YouTube. She is AMAZING, her content is so inspiring and uplifting, she really did help me get through a tough period in my life, I strongly recommend watching her videos, they have helped so much!
Also, I HIHGLY recommend watching Ella Ringrose’s YouTube videos and her podcast, both are truly AMAZING! She again has helped me through this entire and continued covid pandemic. Also, Kathrin Zenkina, from Manifestation Babe, has helped me TREMENDOUSLY through ALL of covid. I again, HIGHLY recommend her podcast! Both are extremely genuine, understanding, positive, intuitive, and inspiring people.

Some others I recommend are Aaron Doughty, Isabel Palacios, Gem Goddess, and Star girl the Practical Witch. All of these YouTubers are great resources for getting started with the Law of Attraction. Some GREAT podcasts are, Manifestation Babe by Kathrin Zenkina, and The James’s Wedmore podcasts. These are all amazing podcasts about the Law of attraction, manifestation, and how to create and find the life you truly want.
Also, I strongly suggest reading some of, Abraham, Jerry, and Ester Hicks, books. Currently, I am reading, “Ask and It Is Given,” and it is SUPER helpful for how to implement the Law of Attraction and to trust the Universe. In addition, Doctor Wayne Dyer, is a PHENOMENAL spiritual teacher! He is actually the first spiritual teacher I came across on YouTube, then Leeor Alexandra. However, Leeor was the first one to actually explain the law to me. Whereas, Doctor Wayne Dyer’s talked more about the abundance within this incredible Universe we live in.

Now, moving on to what Law of Attraction actually is. Law of attraction, is like gravity, is it law. Whatever you think about, you attract into your reality. Thus, if you think positively, you will attract and experience positive experiences into your life/reality. While, on the other hand, if you constantly think negatively, and what could go wrong in a situation, you will attract that. However, the Universe, source, God, whatever you call the higher power, does not know positive from negative.
All it can gather, is what you constantly think about. And when you constantly think about something, the Universe, believes that is what you wish to have more of in your reality. Thus, if you think about circumstances that you deem positive, the Universe will show you more of that. Whereas, if you keep thinking about things that you see as negative, again, the Universe will continue to show you more of that.
Try to think of reality, as a constant sorting machine, you are constantly giving feedback to the Universe of what you want more of, by constantly thinking of what you want, instead of what you don’t want. You are constantly sorting through different experiences and what you liked and didn’t like about a situation. Thus, if you liked something in a situation, continue to think more of those things happening, than what you didn’t like of a situation.
This is why what you think is so important. Your thoughts CREATE your reality/life, not your actions, your THOUGHTS. This information can be scary but also freeing to know, because once you know this, all you have to do, to change your reality/life, is to change the way you think. But don’t think if you accidently think something bad, that, that thought will instantly manifest it. Because there is a, “buffer of time,” that takes a moment or couple of weeks, or a couple of years, it all depends on, “divine timing,” for one of your manifestations to materialize.
But this is a whole other topic, that I will talk about later. But, that being said, if you think negatively for a minute, it will not immediately materialize what you’re thinking. It’s if you constantly think about that negative thing, where it will come into fruition.
After you constantly think something, you start to believe it, thus it becomes your belief system. Your belief system literally dictates what you think, say, and do. For example, if you believe you’re not smart enough to obtain a certain grade on a test, or cannot get into a certain college, that’s what you’ll constantly tell yourself. And because you believe you’re not smart enough, you probably won’t study, because you have no motivation, because you think you’re not smart enough. Thus, you’ll think, what’s the point, I won’t get that grade or get into that college anyways, so why should I try?

And then, you won’t even study for that test or try to get into that college, because you don’t think you can, so why even try to do the necessary steps to get what you want, if you know you can’t? Thus, you’ve just created a self-fulfilling prophecy, of not getting that grade or getting into that college you want. Do you see now, why, self-confidence is so important? Believing in yourself, is the first step to believing and seeing the results of trusting your intuition, implementing the law of attraction, and ultimately manifesting/creating the life you want to live.
Okay, so that wraps up our introduction to Spiritually, Law of Attraction, and Manifesting. I discovered all these wonderful topics when I was experiencing a really low place in my life. When I first watched, “The Secret,” it brought me back to life. It literally brought the life back into my eyes, and made me want to live again. Because literally, I could CREATE ANYTHING I wanted, and so can you.
And that’s why I wrote this article, to hopefully show you all the HOPE, that lives within EACH and EVERY ONE of US. Please, I HOPE you know that. Thank you for reading, take care, and GET MANIFESTING! Also, if you found this article helpful, please comment that below, and I would be happy to write more, because there is, SO MUCH MORE to spirituality! Thank you and take care!