How to Hike New York’s 2nd Highest Mountain, Algonquin Peak, Plus Wright, and Iroquois
So much to say about these peaks! So, let’s get started! Also, all three of these peaks are apart of the 46er High Peak Challenge (you can find more information about this challenge, here). Also, in this article, you will…
How to Hike Blake Peak and Mount Colvin in the Adirondack Mountains
Blake Peak is located in Keene, NY, about 20 minutes from Lake Placid, NY. And about 2 hours from Albany, and 4-6 hours north of NYC. Most often people pair Blake peak with Mount Colvin, and sometimes with Dial and…
How to Hike Nippletop Mountain and Dial High Peaks
Dial and Nippletop Mountains are apart of the Adirondack 46er Challenge in upstate New York. Specifically, they are located in Keene, NY. All the high peaks are truly beautiful and totally worth it if you are able to hike them.…