The Most Important Hiking Essentials That Every Hiker Needs
Hiking is one of my favorite activities to do in both the winter and summer seasons. For me, hiking is such a healing process, especially when you get to the peaks. Once I see all the nature and sunlight around…
How to Hike all of the Adirondack 46ers, New York’s High Peaks
My Journey to Becoming a 46er The Adirondack 46ers Challenge is an awesome hiking challenge if you are up for the task. You will encounter 20 mile long days with over 4,000ft of elevation gains, intense conditions, unforgettable memories and…
What to Do When You Find Yourself Rain Hiking
Rain hiking is never what any hiker intends to do when they plan a hike. All of our ideal summits include sunshine peeking through the trees, with a clear beautiful summit. However, weather is very unpredictable in the mountains, so…
Hiking Training for Any Level & Mountains & Tips/Tricks for Hiking
Hiking is such a fun, nice way to get outdoors and appreciate the beauty that this planet has to offer. Being an avid hiker and having completed many different hiking challenges, the reason why I keep coming back is because…
A Beginner’s Guide to the Best Places in Ireland to See
Ireland is a BEAUTIFUL country, with many famous landmarks, bars, and people to meet. There is no other place on Earth, where you can just walk into a pub and leave with becoming friends with everyone. They claim, “we’re not…
11 of the Best Utah Ski Resorts Within the US
One of my favorite hobbies to do in the winter is to go skiing. Specifically, Alpine/Downhill skiing. I love exploring new mountains and getting to know a whole new area. One of the best states for skiing/snowboarding is, Utah. Utah…
A Complete Guide to the different Ski Resorts in the USA
There are TONS of ski resorts within the USA. Thus, it can make choosing the right one difficult. That is why I wrote this post, to help you find what ski resorts within the USA are most suited for you,…
The Best Ski Resorts in Alaska
Alaska is a HUGE wilderness, located next to western Canada. Many people don’t realize, that Alaska is actually bigger than Texas, California, and Montana combined. This is due to the distortion on maps, so all the countries can fit on…
What 46er Are You?
Here you will find what Adirondack 46er High Peak you embody and what hike, if you haven’t already, should hike next. This is a fun little quiz just to see what high peak you most resemble. So, just for fun,…
How to Hike Dix Mountain Range, Adirondacks NY
The Dix Mountain Range is another EPIC traverse apart of the the Adirondack 46er Challenge. These peaks are located in North Hudson and Keene, New York in the Adirondack Mountains. This range includes 5 AWESOME peaks, which all have AMAZING…