The Ultimate Skiing Essentials List : Everything You Need
Are you new to skiing, snowboarding, or winter sports in general? Well, good for you, MOST winter sports dress the same way, in LAYERS. Basically, when participating in a winter sport, it’s just like the summer. Only, instead of trying…
The Most Important Hiking Essentials That Every Hiker Needs
If you are new to hiking or you’re still a beginner, then you might be unsure of what the best gear to wear is when hiking. No worries, because you are in the great place to find out! I have…
What 46er Are You?
Here you will find what Adirondack 46er High Peak you embody and what hike, if you haven’t already, should hike next. This is a fun little quiz just to see what high peak you most resemble. So, just for fun,…
What Fall Activity Should You Do Based on Your Favorite Halloween Candy?
Follow this link or take the quiz below, to find out a fun cool way to see what fall activity you should give a try this season! Whether it’s going on a haunted hayride/house, or making your own home-made apple…
What Western Ski Resort are You?
For all you avid skiers, here you will find what western ski resort of the U.S. you most resemble and should visit next!
What East Coast Ski Mountain are You?
Here you will find some cool new ski mountains that you should visit, based on some fun quiz questions. I thought this would be a more fun way to find what mountain best suits you, rather than doing a bunch…
What are the Most Crucial Travel Essentials When Traveling?
When we travel there are many necessitates/essentials we need that we sometimes don’t even think about. For example, a passport is SUPER important when traveling, and your boarding pass. But then there are travel essentials that we forget about bringing…